Happy New Year🎍

Most of us are back to work as normal after Christmas and New Year.


Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday!


Anyway, have you made a list of goals for 2021?


My goals for 2021 are:


  • Keep my bag small because I usually put too many things in my bag😅(カバンを小さくまとめること。詰め込み過ぎてしまうので。)
  • Buy less cute stuff and save money🐻(かわいいものを買い過ぎない。節約。)
  • Make better lesson materials for an online textbook soon 📚(近い将来オンラインテキストを作るためによりいいレッスン資料を作る。)
  • Stay positive☀️(ポジティブでいる。)

How about yours?


Please let me know your goals for 2021!


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